Live Captioning Mobile World Live – Increasing content reach and engagement for MWC, the largest connectivity event in the world  

A television camera aimed at an empty Mobile World Live studio.

Mobile World Live is the award-winning broadcast service of Mobile World Congress (MWC) and home to GSMA event keynote presentations. This is the global mobile industry’s premier destination for news, insight and intelligence.

Since 2015, Red Bee Media has been providing live captions for Mobile World Live to more than 80,000 event attendees throughout the event online at, and on up to 30,000 screens around the venue and in hotels around the city. 

In the first year, back in 2015, the live captions were produced at the show, but since 2016 Red Bee Media delivered the service remotely from our broadcast operation center in London.

"We were delighted to once again work with Red Bee Media. Our content coverage is bigger every year. Supporting almost 45 hours of TV content remotely - much of it live and involving complex technical language - is a challenging task, but Red Bee has always been delivering with very high levels of accuracy. ”

Justin Springham Managing Editor, Mobile World Live (GSMA)

The Challenge

Live captioning one of the largest events in the world

  • How to provide full audience accessibility to the Mobile World Live channel and overcome interference from background noise?
  • How to deliver a live service remotely with technical language and a mix of pre-recorded and live content?

The Solution

Live Remote Captioning Service provided from the London operations office

  • Live Captions for live news channel originated from captioning facility in London.
  • Captioners use Subito, our proprietary live captioning tool, to prepare and ’re-speak’ as they listen to an audio feed of Mobile World Live.

The Result

Mobile World Live’s content has reached 80k+ attendees online and on site screens 

  • Over 40 hours of live captions delivered, with a very high level of accuracy and no losses.
  • Overcoming the audio limitations for content consumption in open spaces.
  • Better engagement for the video content through captions and better comprehension for non-English speaking audiences
  • Content made accessible.