Red Bee Media and Sydney Opera House have been working together over the past few years to help bring more performances to a wider audience via captioning.

Red Bee Media and Sydney Opera House started working together in 2023 and have since covered numerous live events, including All About Women Festival: 2023 and 2024, DanceRites, Indigenous Literacy Day, Open House – Sydney Opera House’s 50th Birthday, The Opera House Would Not Be Built Today, The Gospel According to Paul. Red Bee Media’s accessibility team even supported the composer Andrée Greenwell on her opera The Three Marys.

It has been a hugely enjoyable partnership and a partnership that continues to grow.

Red Bee Media providing live captioning for Sydney Opera House

"Red Bee Media has been working closely with us for a few years to align processes, define production terms and expectations for delivery to ensure it is consistently world-class. The members of the team that we work with from start to finish are excellent communicators, experts in their fields and above all care about the end result.”

Melinda Dransfield, Digital Producer, Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House

"We love working with such wonderful people at the Sydney Opera House. Everyone is so passionate about the quality of the experience, and we love the challenge of producing the best captioning we possibly can. Quality is so important to both of us. We can’t wait for the exciting projects ahead. At Red Bee, we believe in providing equal content accessibility to all the audiences, and we hope that this collaboration will inspire other organisations in the performing arts industry.”

Richard Tomlinson, Head of Operations & Customer Success APAC, Red Bee Media
All About Women Festival performance was live captioned by Red Bee Media